Introduction Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL) is a new open access journal that will publish the proceedings of POPL, ICFP, and OOPSLA. Should PLDI join PACMPL? The purpose of this blog is to explain more about PACMPL, to present the cases for and against PLDI joining the journal, and to provide an online forum for discussion of the decision. There will also be an open discussion at the Town Hall Meeting at PLDI’17 in Barcelona (5pm on Tuesday 20th June). The PLDI Steering Committee is running a survey to take the pulse of the Community on this issue; if you have an interest, please do complete the survey! Based on the information and opinions gathered in the survey, on this blog, and at the Town Hall Meeting, PLDI SC will decide whether PLDI should join PACMPL. About PACMPL PACMPL was established to publish the proceedings of the top SIGPLAN conferences. The only significant change from the usual conference reviewing process is the introduction of...